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Vegan French Toast

20 November 2022 at 13:57:45

Temps de préparation:

30 Minutes

Temps de cuisson:

20-30 Minutes

Sert :

2 Servings


Libre de:


Dairy, Egg, Sesame,

Stockage : 

Best Eaten Right Away

À propos de la recette

We’ve all heard the classic argument pancakes versus waffles but people, we forgot about on important candidate: French toast!

Did you know that French Toast is actually not French at all! Despite to the name, the answer to where French toast originally came from isn’t France: It’s ancient Rome.
The origins of French toast are found in a recipe for “aliter dulcia,” which translates to “another sweet dish.” This recipe, the earliest on record reminiscent of French toast, was found in a 4th century Roman cookbook

French toast around the world is often enjoyed much like we usually serve it, but many countries give it a local twist. In India, savory French toast with spices, green chili, chopped onions, and salt is popular. Scottish French toast is often served with sausage between two slices like a sandwich. In Hong Kong, French toast doubles as a decadent peanut butter sandwich. New Zealand French toast is enjoyed with bananas, bacon, cinnamon, and maple syrup. Creole French toast kicks it up a notch — the milk and egg soaking mixture is spiked with alcohol, often whiskey.


• 1/2 Vegan Brioche

French toast Batter:

• 25g Lupin Flour

• 25g Sugar

• 1 tbsp Vanilla Sugar

• 15g Cornstarch

• 25cl Plant-based Milk

• 1 pinch Salt

• 1 tbsp vegan Butter

Different Toppings: (For 2 Servings)

Cinnamon Apple & Pecans:

• 1 Apple

• 1 tbsp Maple Syrup (or other sweeteners)

• 1 tbsp Cinnamon

• 14 pecans

Bacon, Banana & Maple Syrup:

• 4 Pieces of vegan bacon

• 1 banana

• Maple Syrup

Raspberry & Cream:

• 60g Fresh Raspberries or Strawberries

Vegan Whipped Cream

Chocolate Lovers:

• 30g Vegan Dark Chocolate

• Vanilla Liqueur

• Almonds or Hazelnuts

• Banana



  1. Cut You Brioche in 2 centimeters thick slices, (You should get 4 slices

  2. Whisk together the lupin flour, sugar, Cornstarch plant-based milk, and salt. Lay the brioche slices in a single layer in a shallow dish and pour the mixture over them. Allow to soak for 4-5 mins, then carefully turn over and soak for another 4-5 mins more.

  3. Heat 1 tbsp of the vegan butter in a non-stick frying pan over a medium heat until foaming. Carefully lift 2 slices of the soaked brioche out of the dish and add to the frying pan. Fry for 3 mins on each side, until golden and crisp, then place on a wire rack over a baking tray in a warm oven while you repeat with the remaining slices.

  4. Serve with your toppings of choices, and dust in icing sugar.




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