Harry Potter, Hogwarts Legacy, video game, book, geek
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About the Recipe
“Gryffindors are brave, courageous and determined.”
Assemble your ingredients: here’s how to make a Vegan Gin Fizz! The only time involved is juicing the lemon and getting your aquafaba out of your chickpea can! Contrary to the method used in the 1880s, there’s no need to shake the drink for 10 minutes. Here are the basic steps (or jump to the recipe):
o Dry shake: Place all ingredients in a cocktail shaker. Shake for 15 seconds without ice.
o Shake with ice: Add ice to the cocktail shaker and shake again for 30 sec-onds.
o Strain: Strain into a glass and garnish. Voila!
o And that’s it! Let us know what you think of this incredibly special classic cocktail. It’s become a favorite over here!
It’s is the liquid leftover from cooked chickpeas. You can obtain it two ways:
o Drain a can of chickpeas and reserve the liquid.
o Or, cook your own chickpeas and reserve the leftover cooking liquid. The second method is less reliable, in my opinion, because the aquafaba can be too thin and you may need to cook it down, making it more time con-suming.
Beginners should rely on aquafaba from canned chickpeas for ease!
4 bar spoon lemon juice
20cl gin
2 tbsp aquafaba
2 bar spoon grenadine
20cl Raspberry Cream
(Crème de Framboise)
Blood Orange ice cubes
Sparkling wine
For the garnish :
Fresh Raspberry
Or blood orange
Add the gin, lemon juice, grenadine, raspberry cream, and aquafaba to cocktail shaker without ice. Shake for 15 seconds (called a “dry shake).
Add ice to the cocktail shaker. Shake again for 30 to 45 seconds.
Strain the drink into your desired glass. Add a splash of Sparkling wine into the glass and al-low to sit for 1 minute until foam separates.

That's not your House ? You want to try a other house Cocktail ?
I've got you covered ; Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff